Monday, April 16, 2012

Cancer Statistics


In the United States, a little more than 550,000 or a quarter of all deaths are because of cancer. In the 1970’s, there was a 50% cancer survival rate. As recently as 2004 that number had only gone up to 66%. The National Cancer Society estimated that there were 11.1 million Americans with a history of cancer. That number is expected to reach 20 million by 2030. Despite warnings about carcinogens, top medical professionals and strict laws about the use and exposure to carcinogens the cancer rate in the United States continues to rise. Our cancer treatments have advanced but we still are struggling with prevention.

Approximately 13% (or 7.5 million) of the world’s deaths are attributed to cancer every year. Despite our increasing knowledge and advancing technologies, the WHO still estimates that worldwide cancer deaths will continue to reach 12 million by the year 2030. About 72 percent of these deaths occurred in low- and middle-income countries, where stop smoking advocacy campaigns aren’t as prevalent and the medical capabilities aren’t as advanced.

Less than 25% of the world’s cancer population was genetically predisposed to cancer. Approximately 80% of cancer cases are cause by environmental factors. In other words, cancer is preventable for the vast majority of people. With the proper knowledge, vigilance, and some commitment most people can prevent cancer. Consider that one fifth of all cancers worldwide are caused by a chronic infection, for example human papillomavirus (HPV) causes cervical cancer and hepatitis B virus (HPV) causes liver cancer. Many of these infections are preventable, even curable and if treated could bring down the amount of cancer cases seen per year.
The WHO principles of cancer prevention include: Limiting tobacco use, watching your weight, eating fruits & vegetables, physical fitness, moderation when drinking alcohol, knowing your sexual status, avoiding urban pollution and indoor smoke from household use of solid fuels. With some kind observance to this list, the WHO believes that 30% of the world’s cancer cases could be avoided. With the information that we will show you in the coming pages of this website, we know that it can be 100% for you.

Cancer causes & prevention

The World Health Organization (WHO) lays out cancer causes as: physical carcinogens (such as ultraviolet and ionizing radiation), chemical carcinogens (such as asbestos, components of tobacco smoke, food & drinking water contaminants) and biological carcinogens (such as infections from certain viruses, bacteria or parasites).
Physical and chemical carcinogens are tied to our lifestyle choices like - where we live, quality of air we breathe, the food we eat, water we drink and anything else we allow into our bodies. The majority of our food and water has been tainted with chemicals before reaching us. Our meats stocks are shot with steroids and antibiotics, our vegetables sprayed with pesticides and preservatives, and our water supplies are treated with chemicals. Our bodies have become the end user and storage for all of these toxins. A 2005 study by the Center for Disease Control found 148 chemicals in the blood and/or urine of average Americans. A more recent study a 2008 by the Environmental Working Group found 232 chemicals and pollutants in the umbilical cords of newborn infants. It is becoming increasing hard to avoid chemicals in our modern age. That is why detoxification must be a staple in the practice healthy living.
Cancer starts in a single cell, transforms from a pre-cancer lesion to a malignant tumor, and then begins to spread to other cells. That process is largely dependent on the pH balance in the body and what carcinogens the body is exposed to. Acidity in the body sets the proper environment for cancer while added carcinogens act as an accelerant to the process. Both elements can be avoided with proper vigilance, diet, detoxification and health practices.
77% of all new cancer cases are found in people 55 years of age or older. Doctors believe this is because of the continuous exposure to environmental toxins and carcinogens. If gone unchecked, this unyielding exposure to toxins will manifest as various cancers. It is estimated that 30% of all cancer case could be prevented by modifying and avoiding key risk factors. Risk factors like- tobacco use, exposure to sunlight, air pollution, monitoring household use of solid fuels, HPV vaccination and maintaining a healthy diet, are all lifestyle choices all under your control. Between managing these risk factors, keeping a balanced pH, detoxification, a healthy diet with exercise, all of us can prevent cancer.

Early Detection
Early detection has helped the effectiveness of cancer treatments exponentially. Treatments have been vastly more successful while the cancer is still localized. 30% of the overall cancer cases could be more effectively treated with early detection. Early detection is usually a product of screening programs or personal vigilance for signs of cancer. Screens like mammograms and pap-smears are where doctors preempt the physical signs of cancer and search on a molecular level to find any cancerous or pre-cancerous cells. Screens are the first level of detection and personal detection is the next level. Recognizing cancer signs like lumps, sores, bleeding or persistent coughing can help doctors to catch the cancer in the very early stages. Both of these practices provide the optimal chance of defeating the cancer before it grows stronger in the body.

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